About Us

Service Times

Sunday: 9:00am + 10:45am + Online | Midweek: 6:30pm

About Community Church

Community Church is a multi-generational church located in Guthrie, OK. Our beliefs are based on the Bible and centered on Jesus Christ. Our mission is straightforward: to LOVE GOD and LOVE OTHERS. That means we’re not about a building or some complicated religious system, but about helping people from all backgrounds discover the joy of knowing and serving Jesus Christ.

We invite you to come and check us out this weekend at one of our worship experiences. We know that going to a new church can be intimidating, so we try to do things in a way where you’ll feel welcome and not like an outsider. When you come, you can participate or sit back and observe. You’ll discover a warm atmosphere, practical teaching from God's Word, and many friendly people pursuing God together. And with our kids' ministry and groups for all ages, your family will love it too!

God made a promise in the Bible that if we seek after Him, we’ll find Him. You are a valued part of God’s creation, and His deep desire is to be in a relationship with you. So, come and join us as we pursue God together!


All would become fully devoted followers of Christ.




WE BELIEVE with God all things are possible.

WE FOLLOW God’s Word and the Holy Spirit.

WE WORSHIP in Spirit and Truth through creative expression.

WE CONNECT people through care, service, and groups.

WE GROW with intentionality in faith and Biblical knowledge.

WE SERVE the body of Christ joyfully and with integrity.

WE STEWARD God’s resources well and believe in radical generosity.

WE EMPOWER all generations to GO into the world and BE the Church.

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