Community Kids
Biblical curriculum and authentic relationships help us lay foundations of the Gospel in our kids and their families lives. We hope to be an outreach to our community, constantly directing them to Jesus. We are praying that as we are obedient to present the Word that we will see many come to Christ and fully commit their daily lives to Him. Our desire is to worship God and bring Him glory through shepherding the tiniest members of His flock.
If you are a guest, welcome! We are so excited to meet you and your family. Kids Ministry serves ages birth - 6th grade. Visit us in the Community Kids Building at the guest booth, or in the main lobby check-in booth for information and registration. We ask for the following info: parent’s names, address, phone number, children’s names & birthdates and any special instructions (allergies, etc) for each child. This information is confidential and is loaded into our check-in system for fast and secure drop-offs during future visits. Birth - kindergarten kids will check into the Community Kids program for the full service. Elementary kids will be a part of the worship service with their family, then will be dismissed after offering and head over to the venue (Community Kids building) for both services.
Parents can now attend one + serve one or join a Bible Study! Your kids have a group to attend in between the services so you can stay for both! Attend first service as a family for worship and once your kids are dismissed they have a place to hang in between services and have a snack. Then you pick them up at the conclusion of second service. They meet in the venue!
We ask that you check your child in at a check-in kiosk before service begins. On Sundays there are check-in stations located in the main lobby and Community Kids building lobby. On Wednesdays check in is located only in the Kids Building lobby for all ages (birth-6th.) We use a duplicate tag check-in system to ensure that children are returned only to their parent/guardian.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out!
Community Kids | 6:30 pm | ages birth-6th grade
Kids meet for a time to go deeper into the Gospel Project while learning all about Jesus and having FUN! We focus on discipleship and missions through worship, prayer, games, and small groups.
We are passionate about partnering with families as they train their kids in the truth of God’s Word and goodness of Jesus Christ. We’d be thrilled to hear from you. Know that you are loved and that you are being prayed for and reach out if you have any prayer request or ways we can love on your family!
Want to teach big Truths to little hearts? Come be a part of Community Kids! The relationships built with our kids and families through our volunteers is at the heart of our ministry. Whether you want to serve once a month or several times a week, we have a spot for YOU! Click HERE for more information on the roles we have for YOU!
Leading and Serving in Community
Kyla Edington | Kids Director |
Rachel Rudek | Assistant Kids Director |
Facebook: Community Church | Instagram: communitychurchtv