Ways To Give

Service Times

Sunday: 9:00am + 10:45am + Online | Midweek: 6:30pm


You can give during Sunday services by simply placing cash or checks in an offering basket during any service. You may also give by using the box at the back of the worship center as you’re leaving the service.


Just download the Community App (Apple Devices or Android Devices)on your mobile device or tablet, click the GIVE icon, to set up an account, make a one-time gift, or schedule your giving.


You can send your donation to: Community Church, PO Box 1413, Guthrie, OK 73044


Text GIVE and any dollar amount to (855) 681-2800  (e.g. GIVE 25).

A reply text will be received linking you to a quick, one-time, self-guided setup process to tie your mobile phone to your donor account at Community Church, and a payment source. After that, donating is as easy as sending a text.




You may give via your bank’s online bill pay feature. This option generates a check from your bank to Community Church upon your action. Your bank mails the check to Community Church for you.

If you give to multiple funds, please denote your breakdown of giving on a memo line. Example: Your check total is $1,000. Note on the memo line: Ministry Fund $500 / Camps $500.

Gifts of stocks and mutual funds must be received into the church’s brokerage account by Friday, December 25, 2024. To ensure delivery by year-end, please contact the church office at 405.282.1230 to receive a sample letter to send your brokerage firm.


To receive 2024 giving credit, gifts must be postmarked or received by midnight, December 31, 2024. Any questions you have about year-end giving should be directed to the church office at 405.282.1230.


2024 Contribution Statements will be mailed by January 15, 2025, but you can view, download, and print your statement now using the GIVING & CONTRIBUTIONS HISTORY button in this section.

Your contribution history includes all of the contributions you’ve made to Community Church whether online or in person. Just click the button in this section to view and print your statement.

To view, download, and/or print your statement:

  2. Sign in with your credentials. If you have never created an account, you will need to create one to view your history.
  3. Once you have logged in/created your account, choose 2024 in the year category.
  4. Click VIEW.
  5. Click DOWNLOAD STATEMENT to view, save, or print your statement.


Explore our FAQs below to learn more about Giving at Community Church.

What are the benefits of giving online?

Giving online allows you to:

  • Create a one-time gift or multiple schedules that fit your lifestyle.
  • Edit or delete any scheduled donation at any time.
    Please Note: Edit or delete any scheduled donation one full business day in advance of the date you want the transaction to take place.
  • View your giving record at any time. You may also print it at any time desired.

Is online giving safe?

Giving online is safe and secure. When you enter and view the online giving information, rest assured it is secure due to the 128-bit encryption that occurs prior to it being transferred and stored. The 128-bit encryption has never been broken. According to one source, it will take a “trillion-trillion years” to crack the code using today’s technology.

Who do I contact if I have questions about online giving?

Please contact church office at 405.282.1230 with any questions you have about online giving or other aspects of giving at Community Church.

Plan your visit