Beyond Our Walls

Service Times

Sunday: 9:00am + 10:45am + Online | Midweek: 6:30pm

Reaching the World for Christ

We believe we are called to be the Church, not only inside our walls, but outside our walls as well. We are honored to partner with missionaries and local ministries. We put action behind our mission statement, Love God and Love Others, by assisting spiritually, physically, and financially.

If you would like more information about our missionaries, or are seeking support as a missionary, please contact us.


When families find themselves in crisis situations, our Benevolence Ministry offers financial assistance and counseling. For more information:  Alberto Segura | 405.613.4959 |

we love educators ministry

We love educators and we love the opportunity to minister and love on all the teachers and staff throughout the school year. The We Love Educators Ministry has been a blessing to the schools as well as to those who serve our teachers! For more information: Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 |


Crossroads Clinic offers guidance and support with sexual health and crisis pregnancy. We support this local food bank with prayer and financial gifts from the Dollar Bill Club. Crossroads Clinic (An Open Door for Life Choices) is located at 3077 E. College Ave. For more information: 405.293.8378 |


We host the First Capital Quilters Guild on our campus monthly. The Guild meets to encourage one another by sharing information, ideas and methods pertaining to quilt-making. They provide support for local charities and provide “quilts of comfort” to hospitals or other organizations and to our wounded servicemen and women. For more information: Donna Lynes | 972.757.7103 |


The General Daniels Thanksgiving Meal is a collective of the local community that gathers at the American Legion to serve a Thanksgiving meal to the homeless and needy in this region. We support this effort with a financial gift and volunteer workers. For more information: Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 |


The Gideons International is an Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through sharing personally and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. While they are known worldwide for their work with hotels, they predominantly share Scriptures in schools and colleges, prisons and jails, hospitals, and medical offices. For more information: Dan Trotter | 405.833.6457 |


God’s Food Bank helps local families with frozen and canned food items. We support this local food bank with prayer, financial gifts from the Dollar Bill Club, and member involvement. God’s Food Bank is located at 402 West Vilas. For more information: 405.260.1412 |


During fall break, we host a breakfast for the High School football coaches, players and support staff. For more information: Darla Kilhoffer | 580.799.0860 |


Guthrie Ministerial Alliance is a Christ-centered gathering of ministers who promote a spirit of good will and fellowship in and around Guthrie. We support the Guthrie Ministerial Alliance with regular financial gifts, monthly pastoral participation, and volunteer help at annual community events. For more information: Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 |


Hands of Jesus assists families in need by providing food and clothing. We support this local food ministry with prayer and financially through the Dollar Bill Club. Hands of Jesus is located at 2403 W Noble Ave. For more information: 405.260.3440


Hope House Guthrie is a non-profit facility that provides a sober living environment for the men in our community who are homeless and/or in addiction recovery. Hope House is a place where the love and light of Christ is shared with people in the crisis point of their lives. We support this ministry with prayer and financial gifts from the Dollar Bill Club. Hope house is located at 1916 E Perkins. For more information: Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 |


SOAR Homeschool Co-op is made up of homeschool families who provide Christian-based cooperative learning opportunities, practical and spiritual support, encouragement, and mission opportunities to assist families in their commitment to homeschooling. We support these co-ops through the use of our facilities. 

langston BCM

The Baptist Collegiate Ministry on the campus of Langston University exists to cultivate an environment that produces disciples and develops relationships. This is done through several ways including, but not limited to Bible Studies and a Free Lunch on Wednesdays (FLOW). We support the Langston BCM through financial gifts of the Dollar Bill Club. For more information: Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 |

logan County Council on Aging

The Logan County Council on Aging provides referral and congregate dining service for the elderly. A hot meal is served each weekday at Highland Hall. Hot meals and nonperishable items are also delivered via volunteer drivers to shut ins. We support this ministry with prayer and financial gifts from the Dollar Bill Club. They are located at 1102 E. Warner, Guthrie. For more information: Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 |


Every year we partner with Samaritan’s Purse for Operation Christmas Child where we collect shoeboxes filled with gifts. We believe shoeboxes open the door for the Gospel to be shared with children around the world. After they receive their gifts, they are invited to participate in The Greatest Journey discipleship course where they learn more about the Bible and God's great love for them. For more information: Jean Ingram | 850.637.2548 |

camp Joy

The ministry of Camp J.O.Y. (Jesus Others You) is built upon the belief in the Word of God and our personal faith in Jesus Christ. A big goal of Camp JOY is to connect students (ages 7-18) with the Lord Jesus Christ with the desire that their encounter would lead to a transformed life. For more information: Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 |

Missionaries We Support:

We support missionaries who have a variety of ministries with all types of people all over the world. We strive to support our missionaries through prayer and finances.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. // Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV)


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