Mother's Day Out

Service Times

Sunday: 9:00am + 10:45am + Online | Midweek: 6:30pm

Mother's Day Out


As part of the overarching kids’ ministry, our MDO is a faith-based early childhood learning program that provides care twice per week. It’s been so sweet to see God’s plan unfold through our group that He has orchestrated- families, children, and staff alike! We believe He places everyone in our ministry on purpose and for a purpose, and it’s always so neat to see how He brings it all together! Through everything that 2024 held for the MDO ministry, we have focused on continuing to create an environment for children where they will learn fundamentals of the Christian faith. It’s our prayer that those fundamentals will provide a strong base for our students so they can continue building on their faith as they grow! In addition, we promote developmental skills and milestones, teach educational foundations, as well as social and school readiness skills! We are passionate about Jesus, children, and education! Our MDO ministry exists to teach, serve, and love others! We are honored and humbled to help point young hearts to Jesus and build relationships with families along the way!


We hope to convey through everyday life experiences, classroom curriculum, play, music, art, and Bible Stories that each child is a treasure from God and that He has a wonderful plan for their lives.

Our infants - preschool are taught basic social skills, (sharing, kindness, loving others, etc.), speech development, basic toddler and preschool skills (ABC's and 123's), and problem-solving. Our basic lessons are all centered around God's love and His Truths. We believe by teaching children about God at a young age, they will build a firm spiritual foundation that will continue with them throughout their life.

If you are interested in enrolling your child in our program you can contact our director, Rachel Rudek for more information or download the enrollment form HERE.

MDO Classes // Tuesday & Thursday 8:30am-2:30pm

Tuition and Fee Schedule

Summer Session June and July

School Year Enrollment Fees per child: $75

Summer Enrollment Fee per child: $25

Drop-In Fee: $35 per Day

*Registration Fees apply to all students to reserve a place and are non-refundable*

MDO Classes 2 Days/Week Tuition

8:30am – 2:30pm Tuesday & Thursday

6 months – 18 months: $250 per month

18 – 24 months: $230 per month

2’s: $230per month

3’s: $230 per month

4’s & 5’s: $230 per month

Elementary (Summer ONLY): $230 per month

Tuition is due anytime from the 1st - 15th of each month. If tuition is not paid by the 15th of each month your child will be asked to not return to our program until their tuition has been paid in full.


Rachel Rudek 405.282.1230 |


Facebook: CommunityKidsMDO | Instagram: CommunityKidsMDO


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